New York’s highest and most reviewed Business and Real Estate Attorney
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We know you have lots of options when choosing an attorney. By clicking on the tabs below you will see some things to consider when evaluating The Lawyer James to see if he is the right attorney to represent you, to see if he is a good fit for you, and to see if his features, advantages, and benefits appeal to you, and to see if his core values align with yours, and resonate with you.
Superior Service Guarantee
The Lawyer James was extensively trained in big elite New York law firm practices and has adapted those practices to fit his diverse client base. He has developed, tested, and implemented a training system for his affiliated attorneys designed to deliver superior legal service. He revisits his attorney training system monthly to make sure it remains current.
As a New York business attorney, I strive to do the best work possible for my clients. That’s why we offer monthly subscription plans at three different price points, with three different — and cumulative — sets of benefits. But, more on that later. For now, part of striving to do the best work possible for my clients includes valuable and constructive feedback. That’s why it’s important for the individuals and small businesses who contact me to fill out a review on Google, or to even submit a video testimonial. At the very least, it is important, for me to give the best legal advice possible, for those who interact with me to share their views with me personally, even over a phone call or an email.
This is also part of the reason why I am offering a $1 legal and business checkup, and why I donate 100% of that $1 to a local charity here in New York called “” Check them out, they feed those in need in NYC — especially the elderly. To me, it’s a great program and I donate to them anyway. In fact, one of my clients is making a very sizable donation to them, given their history of great work.
This $1 legal and business checkup offer is what’s called a no-brainer. What’s there to lose? Nothing. You get to spend up to an hour with a New York business attorney to go over basically all aspects of your business. Everything is open for discussion, everything is fair game. Individuals and small businesses who take advantage of the $1 legal and business checkup will receive the following benefits:
- Up to one hour legal and business consultation with a New York business attorney
- Review of your business structure, business registrations, and business authority
- Review of your contracts and agreements
- Staffing relationships, your recruiting process, your hiring process, your employee evaluation process, your firing process, your current employee handbook and policy manual, your employee rights posting compliance, and wage and overtime compliance, and employee agreements
- Independent contractors agreements and classification requirements
- Intellectual property – trademarks and copyrights, and if you don’t have any, what you license or want to license or could license
- We go over your website’s terms of use, privacy policy, terms of sale, and return policy
- We talk about your relationship with your landlord, your vendors, and your buyers
- We go over your relationships with your creditors and what your debt carry looks like, and about reducing debt, or potentially reorganizing it
- We evaluate your deadlines and expiration and renewal dates, and make sure you have a system so that you are on top of them — you know you don’t want to miss those important dates
- We review your accounts receivable and cash flow, and see what type of collections opportunities you have
- We discuss your litigation meter, which is your exposure for getting sued as well as filing a case against another person or business (tortious interference, breach of contract, noncompetes, and other bases for claims and causes of action)
- You start building a relationship with a NY business attorney
- Your $1 gets donated to to feed the elderly in NYC
- Meet us however you want — do it over the phone or on zoom, or in person
- You get your questions answered
- We go over options to take care of any legal issues or exposures or risks we identify during the legal and business checkup
For the majority of small businesses I work with, as a New York business attorney, I notice and observe that there is very little written and signed documentation, which is understandable because most small business owners are acutely focused on their bottom line. One day that could mean generating more leads, another day that could mean getting enough sales systems in place to handle those leads and close them, yet another day that could mean having so many customers you need to now put systems in place to service them; as a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. That’s why it’s so important to outsource your legal work, so that you can focus on running and growing your business. But there’s another point: unless you are a practicing attorney, you probably do not know what you do not know, and that could hurt you. Let me tell you a story.
I had a client — before coming to me on this issue — who didn’t consult with an attorney, relied on its accountant for legal advice (which is a huge red flag), and in doing so, lost a multi-million dollar contract and spent around $100,000 in legal fees fixing the problem. All of that could have been avoided with a 15-30 minute telephone conversation or a quick email question being answered. I had another client, who graduated from law school but who was not a practicing attorney and had no law practice experience. And you can guess what she did, she tried to do everything herself, and it wound up being a disaster and costing her more money than if she had worked with an experienced New York business attorney in the first place.
Stories like this are unfortunately a dime a dozen. Early in my career, I spoke with a friend who moved from the legal world — he started out at a big law firm in New York — and then transferred from being a New York business attorney to the world of finance. And when we were talking about stories like these, he said: “You know, you really have to look at it this way. If you were going in for surgery, you wouldn’t do it yourself would you?” I said of course not, I am not trained in surgery. And he replied: “Exactly, so I don’t understand why some small business owners try to do the legal work themselves. It’s a highly specialized and nuanced practice that one small oversight could lead to big — and avoidable losses down the road.” As Entrepreneur Magazine says: “Hiring a good lawyer is crucial to any successful business.”
It doesn’t say “optional” or “advisable”; it says crucial. So if you have not yet scheduled your no brainer $1 legal and business checkup today, call (212) 500-1891 and get on my schedule today. Or, you can fill out this form
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